Rabu, 09 Februari 2011

Flock Offline Installer

bagi kalian yang males download berkali - kali atau lagi cari offline installernya nih aku kasih link buat download Flock Offline Installer nya

nih reviewnya sori bahasa inggris yang ketemu cuma ini :D

Flock is the Internet browser targeted towards social butterflies. Flock is the Mozilla powered browser that specifically meets the needs of online social networkers by helping you keep informed when friends post or a favorite site is updated. It has a slick interface and plenty of features.
Flock is equipped to keep you up to date with your contacts from Facebook, MySpace, Flickr, Twitter, etc. 
Flock is a great browser for online social networking, but falls a bit short compared to some of our higher ranked browsers in regards to features and utility.

main di PC game "Angry Birds" game mobile yang saat ini paling populer

sori nih dah lama gak aktif. lagi ada kerjaan soalnya =D.

nih mau share game Angry Birds

*kalo bingung langsung aja ke thread nya Click